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发布日期:2024-10-08 05:51    点击次数:73

白丝 自慰 英語成語園地

旁敲側擊;拐彎抹角 beat about/around the bush Why should you beat around the bush when asking for higher wages? You deserve more money.   茶杯裡的風暴;茶壺裡的風暴;小題大作;大驚小怪 a storm in a teacup; a tempest in a teapot Although Mr. and Mrs. Wang had an argument last night, It was just a storm in a teacup.   害群之馬(團體中的敗類) a/the bad/rotten apple; black sheep (要是是 "the black sheep of the family",則意為「家庭中的不肖子」) Most students in the class study hard but there are a few rotten/bad apples. (班上大多數學生皆很辛勤,但有少數害群之馬) There are quite a few black sheep in the Legislative Yuan. (立法院中有不少敗類)   酒肉一又友 a fair-weather friend I cannot believe that John was a fair-weather friend of mine, because he has promised to help me whenever necessary.   借酒澆愁 drown one's sorrows If I fail my examinations, I'll go and drown my sorrows.   骨瘦如柴(瘦得皮包骨) (as) thin as a rake/lath/stick He had been ill for several months, and looked as thin as a stick.   家醜外揚 wash one's dirty linen in public Don't wash your dirty linen in public. (家醜不可外揚)   海底撈針 look/search/hunt for a needle in a haystack It's pretty much like looking for a needle in a haystack because these fish are extremely hard to find.   差之毫釐,失之沉 A miss is as good as a mile I've tried to reassure him that he only failed by three percent but the way he sees it, a miss is as good as a mile.   留得青山在白丝 自慰,好吊橾在线不怕沒柴燒 while/where there's life there's hope The company has survived previous recessions; while there's life there's hope.   破口大罵 swear like a trooper "If you are going to swear like a trooper, I am going away."   乘东谈主之危;投阱下石 hit a man (or someone) when he's down Never hit a man when he's down. He may get back up again.   历历如绘;維妙維肖 to the life She painted me to the life. The portrait is drawn to the life.   唇槍舌劍 cut and thrust There was a real cut and thrust between them about the game.   班門弄斧 teach one's grandmother to suck eggs He is always telling the director how to run the business; that's like teaching his grandmother to suck eggs.   殊途同歸;條條通衢通羅馬 all roads lead to Rome Helen was criticizing the way Jill was planting the flowers. Jill said, never mind, Helen. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. I believe we will find a way out.   逐户挨戶 (from) door to door He sells dusters (from) door to door.   胸懷大志; 抱負遠大 hitch one's wagon to a star (or the stars) Allen's hitching his wagon to a star--he plans to be an entrepreneur by age thirty.   臭氣熏天 stink/smell to high heaven That fish must be a couple of days old. It stinks to high heaven.   恬然自由 (as) cool as a cucumber Despite the mishap Margaret was cool as a cucumber.   挺直腰桿;理直氣壯;抬头闊步 walk tall If you depend too much upon others you will never be able to walk tall. (要是你過份依賴別东谈主白丝 自慰,你就永遠挺不起腰桿來) We walk tall and the voice is more powerful. (我們理直氣壯,聲音更強有劲)   害东谈主害己;作繭自縛;作法自斃;自食惡果 be hoist with one's own petard The criminal was hoist with his own petard when he tried to kill his wife, because he accidently drank the poison that he intended to give to her. (這個违警思謀殺他的妻子,但害东谈主反害已,因為他誤喝了他磋磨給妻子喝的毒藥) The most enjoyable moment in any action film occurs when the villain is hoist with his own petard. (動作片中最令东谈主雀躍的時刻等于壞东谈主自食惡果的時候)   酒好客自來 (貨好無須作念廣告) good wine needs no bush If it be true that good wine needs no bush, it's true that a good play needs no epilogue. (好酒無須掛牌号,好戲无须收場白)   時光倒流:開倒車 turn the clock back; turn back the clock You are afraid to face up to the future. You are trying to turn the clock back to a time when you were more comfortable. (你不敢面對未來。你試圖使時光倒流,回到你比較風光的時候) You can never turn the clock back. (時光不可倒流)   折腰帖耳;卑躬抵触 bow/bend the knee The authorities haven't bowed the knee to the kidnappers. (當局對綁匪一直未折腰帖耳) The United States will never bend the knee to the terrorists. (好意思國絕不會對恐怖份子卑躬抵触)   袖手旁觀;按兵不動;無動於衷 sit on one's hands When I needed help from Helen, she just sat on her hands. (當我需要海倫的幫忙時,她仅仅袖手旁觀) We need the cooperation of everyone. You can't sit on your hands! (我們需要每個东谈主的调和。你們不可袖手旁觀、坐視岂论啊!)   馬耳東風;左耳進右耳出 go in one ear and out the other Everything I say to you seems to go in one ear and out the other. Why don't you pay attention? (我對你說的每件事似乎皆是馬耳東風。你為什麼皆心不在焉呢?) Things my wife says to me just go in one ear and out the other. (我太太對我說的事情皆是左耳進右耳出)   逆來順受 grin and bear it I really don't want to spend the whole weekend working but I guess I'll just have to grin and bear it. (我确切不思把整個週末皆花在责任上,但也沒有什麼辦法,独一逆來順受) Bad things keep happening and you just have to learn to grin and bear it. (壞事不斷發生,你只得學著逆來順受) 国产在线观看香蕉视频


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